性 别:


职 称:教授/博导










1)         X Lin, T Twelkmeyer, D Zhu, L Zhang, Y Zhao, C Zhang, Y Iwakura, G Meng, Z Hua, B Yan, W Liu, Z Luo, S Gong, H Chen, S Li, B Hou, H Tang (2021) Homeostatic regulation of T follicular helper and antibody response to particle antigens by IL-1Ra of medullary sinus macrophage origin. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 118(17):e2019798118 (IF 12.777)

2)         W Zhang,Y Xu, F Zhao, M Tarbe, S Zhou, W Wang, S Zhang, W Zhang, Q Xu, L Shi, F Yuan, X Lin,S Liu, J Sun, J Zhao, Y Yang, X Liang, J Zhong, G Long, C Qin, Q Leng and H Tang (2020) The pre-existing cellular immunity to Japanese encephalitis virus heterotypically protects mice from Zika virus infection. Science Bulletin, 65(5):402-409. (IF 20.577)

3)         Zhang, C., Wang, F., Silvestre, J., Arenzana-Seisdedos F. & Tang H. (2020) Is aberrant CD8+ T cell activation by hypertension associated with cardiac injury in severe cases of COVID-19?. Cell Mol Immunol., https://doi.org/10.1038/s41423-020-0454-3 (IF 22.096)

4)         Yang S, Zhao Y, Yu J, Fan Z, Gong ST, Tang H*, Pan L*. (2019) Sugar Alcohols of Polyol Pathway Serve as Alarmins to Mediate Local-Systemic Innate Immune Communication in Drosophila. Cell Host & Microbe. 14;26(2):240-251.e8. (IF 31.316)

5)         S Hong, Z Zhang, H Liu, M Tian, X Zhu, Z Zhang, W Wang, X Zhou, F Zhang, Q Ge, B Zhu, H Tang*, Z Hua* and B Hou* (2018) B Cells Are the Dominant Antigen-Presenting Cells that Activate Naive CD4+ T Cells upon Immunization with a Virus-Derived Nanoparticle Antigen. Immunity, 49:695-708. (*co-correspondence) (IF 43.474)

6)         Brey PT, Fontenille D, Tang H (2018) Yellow fever risk in Asia-Pacific region. Nature, 554:31 (IF 49.962)

7)         X He, J Yu, M Wang, Y Cheng, Y Han, S Yang, G Shi, L Sun, Y Fang, S Gong, Z Wang, YX Fu, L Pan and H Tang (2017) Bap180/Baf180 is required to maintain homeostasis of intestinal innate immune response in Drosophila and mice. Nature Microbiol, 2:17056 (IF 30.964)




l  上海市“领军人才”

l  全国科技系统抗击新冠肺炎疫情先进个人


现兼任中国细胞生物学会常务理事,中国免疫学会感染免疫专业分会副主任委员,Cellular & Molecular ImmnologyProtein & Cell编委。