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卢荟 医学博士 副主任医师 硕士生导师。08年于浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 骨科(手外科方向)工作至今。 主持国家自然青年基金1项,浙江省自然基金面上1项,浙江省医药卫生科技项目2项,浙江省中医药科学研究基金项目2项,浙江省医学会临床科研资金项目2项。以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI收录30篇。第一完成人获得2018 AIIA杯医学人工智能大赛 新锐奖 (全国**别的医学人工智能比赛);第二届军委科技委“源创杯”创新创意大赛全国总决赛优胜奖。以第二完成人获得2018年浙江省医药卫生科技二等奖一项。
1 肢体肿瘤的诊断及治疗新技术,包括人工智能大数据分析手部肿瘤,罕见肿瘤的诊治,神经肿瘤精准切除,神经移植重建。 2 手部人工关节治疗重度关节僵硬新技术,手部人工关节在肢体肿瘤切除后关节重建的作用。 3肌腱粘连防治的动物及临床研究。 4 人工智能,大数据在肌肉骨骼系统中的应用,精准选拔运动员及士兵。
第一或通讯作者文章: 1.Hui Lu, Qiang Chen, Hui Shen,Xiang-Jin Lin:Swanson arthroplasty for replanted of severed metacarpophalangeal joints: a long-term follow up. Int J Clin Exp Med 2016;9(3):6358-6362. 2.Lu H, Chen Q, Shen H, Shen XQ, Wu SC. Fibroma of tendon sheath in planta. SpringerPlus. 2016;5:575. 3.Hui Lu, Qiang Chen, Hu Yang, Hui Shen, and Xiang-Jin Lin. Tanshinone IIA Prevent Tendon Adhesion in the Rat Achilles Tendon Model. J. Biomater. Tissue Eng. 6, 739–744 (2016) 4.Hui Lu; Qiang Chen; Hui Shen;GanminYe. A Rare Atypical Rapidly Involuting Congenital Hemangioma Combined with Vascular Malformation in the Upper Limb. World Journal of Surgical Oncology (2016) 14:229. 5.Hui Lu, Qiang Chen, Hu Yang, Hui Shen. Enchondroma in the distal phalanx of the finger An observational study of 34 cases in a single institution. Medicine 2016. 95(38): p. e4966. 6.Hui Lu, Hu Yang, Hui Shen, Ganmin Ye, Xiang-Jin Lin.The clinical effect of tendon repair for tendon spontaneous rupture after corticosteroid injection in hands A retrospective observational study. Medicine 2016. 95(41): p. e5145. 7.Lu H, Chen Q, Yang H, Shen H. Aggressive intramuscular hemangiomas in the upper extremity: A case report. Medicine.2017;96(3):e5939. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000005939. 8.Lu H, Chen Q, Shen H. A repeated carpal tunnel syndrome dueto tophaceous gout in flexor tendon A case report. Medicine. 2017;96(9):e6245. 9.Lu H, Chen Q, Yu H, et al. Treatment of gout combined with Kienböck's disease: A case report: [J]. Experimental & Therapeutic Medicine, 2017, 14(5):4073-4076. 10.Hui Lu, LiFeng Chen, Qiang Chen, Hui Shen, Shuai Jiang, and Hang Yu. A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial of Platelet-Rich Plasma Used in Surgery for de Quervain Tendinopathy .J. Biomater. Tissue Eng. 7, 1344–1348 (2017). 11.Lu H, Chen LF, Chen Q, Shen H, Liu Z. A rare large cutaneous chondroid syringoma involving a toe: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(5):e9825. 12.Lu H, Chen LF and Chen Q. Rupture of a subungual glomus tumor of the finger. BMC Cancer 2018; 18: 505. 13.Lu H, Chen L, Jiang S, Shen H. A rapidly progressive foot drop caused by the posttraumatic Intraneural ganglion cyst of the deep peroneal nerve. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2018;19(1):298. 14.Hui Lu, Qiang Chen, Hui Shen, Hu Yang, Weifeng Ji: Enchondroma in the distal phalanx of the thumb with infection resulting in clubbing felon. Int J Clin Exp Med 2018;11(10):11233-11236. 15.Li P, Lou D and Lu H. The cubital tunnel syndrome caused by intraneural ganglion cyst of the ulnar nerve at the elbow: a case report. BMC Neurol 2018; 18: 217. 16.Jiang S, Shen H, Lu H. Multiple schwannomas of the digital nerves and common palmar digital nerves: An unusual case report of multiple schwannomas in one hand. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98(10):e14605. 17.Jiang S, Shen H, Tan WQ, Lu H. Arterial thoracic outlet syndrome caused by cervical ribs-an unusual case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98(11):e14778. 18.Lin X, Shen H, Lu H. Isolated palmar dislocation of distal radioulnar joint: a new mechanism of injury: a case report. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019;20(1):368. 19.Wang Y, Lu H. Multiple intraneural glomus tumors in different digital nerve fascicles. BMC Cancer. 2019;19(1):888. 20.Qingfang Zhao and Hui Lu. Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath in the wrist that damaged the extensor indicis proprius tendon: a case report and literature review. BMC Cancer (2019) 19:1057. 21.Pengfei Li, Ning Zhu, Hui Lu. Squamous cell carcinoma of the nail bed: A case report. World J Clin Cases 2019 November 6; 7(21): 3590-3594. 22.Zhou H, Jiang S, Li P, Shen H, Yang H, Xu S, Ye C, Chen M, Lu H. Improved tendon healing by a combination of Tanshinone IIA and miR-29b inhibitor treatment through preventing tendon adhesion and enhancing tendon strength. Int J Med Sci 2020; 17(8):1083-1094. 23.Jiang S, Zhou H, Ma F, Shen H, Lu H. Acrometastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a case report. J Int Med Res. 2020;48(5):300060520924519. 24.Jin Q, Lu H. Angioleiomyoma of the hand with nerve compression. J Int Med Res. 2020;48(6):300060520928683. 25.Jiang Q, Zhou H, Huang K, Lu H. Accessory extensor pollicis longus tendon in emergency surgery. J Int Med Res. 2020;48(7):300060520938599. 26.Hu X, Liu Z, Zhou H, Fang J, Lu H (2020) Deep HT: A deep neural network for diagnose on MR images of tumors of the hand. PLOS ONE 15(8): e0237606. 主持课题: 1.浙江省自然基金面上,LY20H060007,活性氧/光敏响应纳米凝胶包载丹参酮ⅡA及circularRNA_100290双通路调控肌腱功能修复机制的研究。 2.国自然青年,81702135,丹参酮ⅡA联合miR-29b inhibitor调控TGF-β1 /Smad3协同促进肌腱功能修复的机制研究。 3.浙江省中医药科学研究基金项目,2017ZB057,尼克酰胺腱端注射配合活血化淤中药离子导入促进肌腱外伤术后粘连功能修复的临床研究。 4.浙江省中医药科学研究基金项目,2016ZA124,综合干预治疗手部痹症的标准化研究, 5.浙江省医药卫生科技项目,2016KYB101枸杞多糖干预MyoD高表达肌卫星细胞治疗失神经肌萎缩的实验研究。 6.浙江省医药卫生科技项目,2015KYA100,慢病毒介导双基因(TGFβ-1/bFGF)复合体转染骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)促进肌腱损伤修复的实验研究。 7.浙江省医学会临床科研资金项目,2015ZYC-A12评价神经生长因子(NGF)神经外膜给药在内窥镜腕管松解术中的疗效研究。 获奖: 1.2018 年浙江省医药卫生科技二等奖,排名第二。壳聚糖微囊结合药物联合手术分阶段治疗肌腱粘连的实验及临床研究。 2.2018 AIIA杯人工智能巡回赛•医学人工智能大赛(全国**别的医学人工智能比赛),基于数字影像与大数据平台的手部肿瘤智能诊断系统.新锐奖,排名第一。 3.第二届军委科技委“源创杯”创新创意大赛, 机遇机器学习大数据的超级基因筛查和智能可穿戴终端选拔及训练特种兵战力的标准化研究 全国总决赛优胜奖,排名第一。 4.2019 AIIA杯人工智能巡回赛•医学人工智能大赛,基于神经网络的医疗垃圾智能分类系统 全国复赛,排名第一。